The current plan is to induce on March 26th or 27th at 39 weeks. It will be best for me to be induced due to the blood thinner shots that I'm on, unless I want to have a completely natural birth (no epidural) which is not what I have planned :) I know I would likely survive just fine, but again, it's not my plan.
I've been getting ultrasounds every week since 32 weeks and Hilton has looked great. He won't be measured again until next Monday, but last week he was estimated around 5 pounds and 5 ounces and apparently has a lot of hair! Of course our son would be born with lots of hair since our daughter had none! The doctor always comments on how active he is while they are trying to get pictures. I'm already quite aware of this, because he is constantly moving, never seems to rest...ever. But I'm told an active baby is a healthy baby so no complaints here!
Again, thank you to those who have been waiting and praying for this baby with me. He truly has been a miracle. This experience has taught me so much (much more than I wanted) to know about waiting. For those that are still waiting, please don't give up hope and know that I'm still praying for you. Don't listen to Satan's lies (like I did for far too long), the miracles are coming.
I've learned what it is to yearn for a child and a big pregnant belly, so I will forever cherish these pictures.
Looking forward to holding you soon